Mobilité EUt+

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Architecture, Collaboration and Society

Students undertaking this module will be given the opportunity through an elective option to develop their design knowledge and skills in a critical, reflective and collaborative manner. A priority of the module is to demonstrate to the student through a broad range of project options, how an architectural skill set and knowhow can be applied to diverse project challenges. Students will critically reflect on their architectural experience, both educational and professional, and choose a project option which allows them an opportunity to refine an existing area of strength or develop a new set of skills.
Projects will be offered which facilitate a broadening of the student’s understanding of the diverse role of architecture and architects in society. These projects will roughly fall into the following categories:
Participatory Design Processes
Design / Build Project
Architecture and Resilience
Society and Technology
Students will develop, in a collaborative manner, a solution or methodology which addresses a particular design or research challenge. Alongside critical design skills and reflective thinking, students will be given the opportunity to develop their transferable ‘soft’ professional skills such as communication, negotiation, adaptive leadership, teamwork and project management.
The module aims to provide an opportunity, at this key stage in their architectural education for students to learn about themselves as learners and begin to map their own path to professional status.

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)