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History Theory and Criticism 6

The History Theory and Criticism VII module is divided into three areas of study, Critical Theory, Critical Practice and Critical Technique, each provide the learner with an introduction to methods of research in architecture and assists them in the contextualisation of their research in relation to existing knowledge.
The module exposes the learner to a range of theories and research strategies which can be applied in other aspects of their study, Through a variety of themes, this module prepares the learner to undertake a sustained, rigorous, intensive and independent investigation of some aspect of architecture through writing and design.
Through lectures, the module makes the learner critically aware of the issues and debates within contemporary and past architectural theory. The module offers the learner an opportunity to expand their knowledge and learn specific skills in the comprehension, analysis and interpretation of theoretical texts. The module further offers the opportunity for the learner to reflect on their position within current debates, to demonstrate a mature and balanced insight when investigating and exploring different situations and contexts, to identify an area of study within those debates and to prepare research proposals outlining the context and plan of their study and the methodologies they will deploy in conducting their study.

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)