Mobilité EUt+

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Embedded Signal Processing Systems

Embedded Signal Processing Systems - Lecture
The aim of this course is to provide students with a solid understanding of designing complex embedded signal processing systems using modern μC and FPGA architectures. Key subjects are the design, mod-elling and simulation of fixed-point DSP algorithms as well as their HW/SW implementation on state-of-the-art processing platforms. In particular, the course will cover
- an introduction to modern DSP systems – Emerging applications, architectures and challenges.
- the theory of discrete-time systems and fixed-point mathematics.
- the design and implementation of digital filters (FIR/IIR digital filter design and specification, re-timing: cut-set and delay scaling, the transpose FIR, pipelining and multichannel architectures).
- the synthesis of digital signals (NCO Design, DDFS, CORDIC algorithm, IIR oscillators).
- digital correlator architectures (Auto/cross-correlation techniques).
- the Discrete Fourier Transform, various FFT algorithms and architectures, as well as design issues related to FFT word-length growth and accuracy.
- HLS and Model based DSP design: Synthesis of custom DSP accelerators.
- Design and implementation of digital control systems: Mapping analog control loops to digital platforms.

Embedded Signal Processing Systems - Lab
The lab focuses on teaching practical skills related to the design and implementation of embedded signal processing systems using C and SystemVerilog:
- Analysis, modelling and simulation of various DSP algorithms.
- Mapping DSP algorithms (Filters, signal synthesisers) to μC and FPGA platforms followed by profiling and benchmarking of the respective HW/SW solutions.

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)