Mobilité EUt+

Page du cours ✏️

Embedded Architectures and Applications

Content of course “Embedded Architectures and Applications - Lecture”
Participants will be exposed to and gain working experience with complex embedded systems and archi-tecture development. The course will cover
- introduction to multitasking concepts and operating systems,
- structure and functionality of selected industrial embedded Operating Systems
- design of reactive systems, state machine design and coding,
- architectural development of embedded, realtime, multitasking systems
- analysis of embedded industrial architectures and design patterns (Basic Software, Application Software, Runtime Environment)
- automotive architectures, AUTOSAR
- embedded control system design
- multicore architectures
- safety architectures

Content of course “Embedded Architectures and Applications - Lab”
Practical programming assignments in C/C++ using state of the art operating systems are part of the course.
- Configuring an embedded Operating System
- Developing a simple multithreading, reactive application
- Separating basic software and application software introducing a runtime environment

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)