Mobilité EUt+

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FPGA-based System on Chip Design

FPGA-based System on Chip Design - Lecture
The aim of this course is to provide students with a solid understanding of designing complex FPGA Sys-tem on Chip (SoC) architectures, starting with the creation of high-level functional specifications up to the design, implementation and testing on FPGA SoC platforms using hardware description and software programming languages. In particular, the course will cover
- an introduction to FPGA based System on Chip design – Applications, limitations and challenges.
- the anatomy of modern embedded System on Chip architectures: The hard processor system and FPGA fabric, booting and configuration, PCB issues and design strategies.
- RTL hardware design including simulation, and verification using SystemVerilog HDL.
- methodologies for successful timing closure, multi-clock domains and synchronization tech-niques.
- design strategies for architecting for performance, area and power.
- embedded processors in SoC FPGAs: Hard and soft-processor systems, on-chip bus systems
the design and implementation of custom hardware accelerators: Integration of co-processors, ISA customization in soft-processor systems, design of customized HW/SW interfaces.
- the optimizing of design metrics using HW/SW co-design approaches.
- High-Level-Synthesis: Algorithm and interface synthesis, design evaluation and optimization.

FPGA-based System on Chip Design – Lab 
The lab focuses on teaching practical skills related to FPGA based SoC design using C and SystemVerilog:
- Design and implementation of custom hardware accelerators (Co-Processors, ISA extensions).
- HW/SW integration of custom accelerators into existing FPGA based SoC architectures followed by profiling and benchmarking of the respective solutions.

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)