Mobilité EUt+

Page du cours ✏️

Digital Economy and Electronic Services

Course Content "Digital Economy and Electronic Services - Lectures"
1. The internet. History. Web browsers
2. Electronic commerce. History. Definitions
3. Electronc commerce applications. Design. Business plan
4. Web domain, hosting. Front-end, back-end
5. Business Applications and online commerce systems
6. Apache. HTTP open source servers
7. MySQL. Relational data bases
8. Content management systems. Drupal, Wordpress, Joomla
9. Drupal platform and Lando-Aquia
10. Enterprise content management. ECM and WCM
11. Electronic payment systems. E-cash/E-money
12. Blockchain Technology
13. Security in electronic commerce systems. Vulnerabilities
14. Electronic commerce markets (Amazon, Google etc)
Project Content "Digital Economy and Electronic Services - Project"
1. General Project requirements
2. HTML basic notions
3. HTML Forms
4. CSS Basics . Examples
5. Building commerce sites. Solutions, comparative study
6. Drupal modules and themes regarding blogs and forums
7. Steps in creating an online business
8. New Media strategies and their influence over the e-commerce
9. Marketing in e-commerce. Commercials, promotions and their importance in prophit
10. Case studies and influences – eBay, Paypal, Amazon, Aliexpress
11. Blockchain technologies- study-debates
12. Data mining
13. Google Analytics – discussion and study from the economic-mathematical perspective
14. Project presentations

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology (UTCN)