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Marketing - UTCN

 | Marketing role in companies and in society: value offered to customers; unique sales offer, corporate social responsibility, etc. Specific marketing activities
 | The value chain and customer satisfaction
 | Marketing research: research plan, data collection; data analysis quantitative and qualitative techniques; experiments; research report. Marketing information systems
 | Company’s marketing environment. Micro and macro environment: suppliers, interest groups, customers, economic, demographic, technologic, natural, legal, cultural environment
 | Marketing strategic planning: creating and maintaining the balance between the company objectives, resources and market opportunities. Methods of strategic analysis
 | Development of the company's marketing plan
 | Market segmentation criteria and methods
 | Customer behavior analysis: the persona model
 | Product Policy. Positioning map. Product life cycle.
 | Research and development of the new product. Innovation development methods
 | Product strategies depending on the stages of the life cycle. Product positioning strategies on the market
 | The price. The objectives of the price policy. Price policies: penetration and skimming pricing
 | Distribution of products. Choice of distribution channels. Management and control of distribution channels
 | Integrated marketing communication. The mechanisms of the communication process. Marketing communication mix: advertising, sales promotion, sales force, direct marketing, public relations

Crédits ECTS

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Entité de gestion (faculté)
Automation and Computer Science Faculty - UTCN