Mobilité EUt+

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Operating Systems Design - UTCN

 | General structure of an OS. Possible OS structures (monolithic, layered, micro-kernel, virtual machine, exokernel), its components, their functionality, role, interconnectivity.
 | Process and thread management (1). Scheduling algorithms. FCFS, SJF, Priority-based, Lottery. Priority inversion.
 | Processandthreadmanagement(2). Scheduling algorithms: RR, MLFQ. Use cases: Solaris, Windows and Linux scheduling policies.
 | Synchronization mechanisms (1). General Design Principles. Hardware mechanisms used for implementation of higher-level synchronization mechanisms. Design and implementation of locks, semaphores, condition variables. Deadlock avoidance.
 | Synchronization mechanisms (2). Linux and Windows Use Cases. The synchronization mechanisms provided by Linux and Windows. The way they are implemented.
 | Synchronization mechanisms (3). Deadlock. Deadlock avoidance, prevention and detection algorithms.
 | Process management (1). Definition of the process concept, system call mechanism and possible implementations, handle (file descriptor) management, basic system calls for process management.
 | Process management (2). Process memory address space structure, argument passing on the stack, process creation strategies, multi- threading support.
 | Memory management (1). General aspects, design and implementation alternatives of different memory management techniques and mechanisms: contiguous allocation, segmentation, and paging.
 | Memory management (2). Paging specific problems like page table hierarchical  structure,  memory  sharing,  page  tables  for  Intel architecture.
 | Memory management (3). Virtual memory's design and implementation aspects: swapping and lazy loading. Page replacement algorithms.
 | File systems (1). General Design Aspects. Design and implementation alternatives of file systems concepts (files, directories), storage space management. Advantages and disadvantages.
 | File systems (2). Linux and Windows File Systems. Design and implementation of Ext2 and NTFS.
 | Security aspect. Subject review. Basic security aspects design. Overview of all presented subjects.

Crédits ECTS

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Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)
Automation and Computer Science Faculty - UTCN