Mobilité EUt+

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Operating Systems - UTCN

 | Introduction and basic concepts. OS’s definition, role, evolution, components, main concepts (file, 
   process, system calls). Basic hardware aspects: CPU, user and kernel mode, memory layers, I/O 
   devices. Basic OS structure.
 | The Shell (Command Interpreter). Definition, role, functionality, simple and complex commands. 
   Standard input and output redirection.
 | File systems (1). User Perspective. File and directory concept from the user point of view 
   (definition, role, characteristics, operations).
 | File systems (2). Windows and Linux File Systems. Permission rights and system calls.
 | File systems (3). Implementation aspects. Implementation strategies overview, space management 
   and related problems, hard and symbolic links.
 | Process     management.       Process     model:     definition,      role, characteristics. Linux and 
   Windows process management system calls.
 | Thread management. Thread model: user vs. kernel threads, implementation problems, usage, 
   performance aspects. Basic scheduling algorithms (FIFO, SJF, Priority-based). Linux and Windows  
   process thread system calls.
 | Process synchronization (1). Theoretical aspects. Context, definition, synchronization mechanisms, 
   techniques and problems (locks, semaphores, monitors, mutual exclusion, starvation, deadlock).
 | Process synchronization (2). Classical synchronization patterns: producer/consumer, 
   readers/writers, rendez-vous, barrier, dining philosopher, sleeping barber. Similarities between 
   different synchronization mechanisms.
 | Inter-process communication. Pipe files, shared memory, message queues, signals.
 | Memory management (1). Context, definition, binding, basic techniques, space management, 
   addresses translation, swapping.
 | Memory management (2). Paging and segmentation.
 | I/O Devices Management. Principles, disks, clocks, character- oriented terminals.
 | Security  aspects.  Security  policies  and  mechanisms.  Basic program's vulnerabilities (buffer 

Crédits ECTS

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Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)
Automation and Computer Science Faculty - UTCN