Mobilité EUt+

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Course 1. The object and the importance of the discipline. The topographic elements of the terrain. Notions related to the errors in the topographical measurements.
Course 2. Plans and maps. Scales.Topographical symbols. Relief representation. 
Course 3. Using the topographic plans and maps. Calculation of surfaces on plans and maps.
Course 4. Study of the theodolite. Methods used to measure the horizontal and vertical angles.
Course 5. Marking and signalling the points. Ranging the alignments. Direct and indirect measuring of distances: instruments and procedure. 
Course 6. Planimetric surveys. Trigonometric control networks for the planimetric surveys. Methods to survey the planimetric details. 
Course 7. Reporting the points of the topographic plans. Levelling: introductory notions, principles, classifications. 
Course 8. Levelling instruments and procedures. Middle and end geometric levelling. Levelling traverse. Course 9. Trigonometric and tachymetric levelling. Notions of aerial and terrestrial photogrammetry. 
Course 10. Engineering topography. Object. The direct and reversed topographic problem. Topographic works within the construction activity. The calculation of the tracing elements. 
Course 11. Tracing the simple topographic elements: distances, angles, heights, slope lines. 
Course 12. Tracing and marking the axes of the constructions. Detailed tracing of constructions. 
Course 13. Tracing the foundation holes and verification of their depth. 
Course 14. Monitoring the way the buildings behave during usage. Labour safety technique in topographic works.

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)
Faculty of Civil Engineering (UTCN)