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Level B1 French - level B1, oral and written

This course prepares students to achieve B1 level objectives in written comprehension and expression. It is aimed in particular at students who have taken the SFB1 course during the inter-semester course.

-overcoming difficulties in understanding articles from the national press relating to current social and cultural events
-Understand the progression of a narrative text thanks to a good understanding of the value of tenses and chronological articulators.
-acquire cultural references about French society, its components and their attitudes
-master the grammatical skills required for level B1: reported speech, narrative tenses, use of the subjunctive when speaking, construction of simple sentences with the addition of prepositional groups, etc.
-be able to take notes during a lesson or a lecture, provided the subject is relevant to his/her interests and the presentation is clear and well structured
-be able to write essays on subjects related to personal interests
-understand, in standard language, a conversation, lecture or presentation on a familiar subject
-be able to follow films that rely heavily on images for comprehension
-be able to express him/herself well enough to collaborate in group work, for example in the context of a community activity or a study project.
- Be able to explain experiences in detail, describing feelings and reactions.
- Be able to explain his/her thoughts on an abstract or cultural subject (film, books, music, etc.).

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)
Telecommunications and Networks ( UTT)