Mobilité EUt+

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Advanced Analog Blocks

Content of course “Advanced Analog Blocks - Lecture”:
1. Modern tendencies in CMOS technologies and analog VLSI circuit design.
2. Switched capacitor circuits. 
3. Analysis of fundamental switched capacitor circuits. 
4. The CMOS switch. Resistors implemented with switched capacitors. 
5. Switched capacitor integrators and amplifiers – structures, design performances and derivation of specific parameters. 
6. Switched capacitor filters – design approaches based on fundamental continuous time configurations with operational amplifiers or LC ladder prototypes. 
7. Linearized transconductance amplifiers – theoretical principles.
8. Linearized transconductance amplifier examples in bipolar and CMOS technologies. 9. Translinear circuits. Static and dynamic translinear networks. 
10. Translinear analog computations circuits. 
11. Circuits with MOS transistor biased in subthreshold region. 
12. Fundamental cells with subthreshold MOS transistors – applications. 
13. Design example of a complete system based on subthreshold MOS transistors. 
14. Very low voltage and low power circuits.
Content of course “Advanced Analog Blocks - Lab”:
-          Applications with switched capacitor circuits: resistors, amplifiers and integrators.
-          Lecture and applications, learning by discovery, hands-on exercises, simulations and CAD tools.
-          Design of filters with operational amplifiers.
-          Design of switched capacitor filters. 
-          Implementation of translinear circuits with bipolar transistors. 
-          Implementation of translinear circuits with MOS transistors. 
-          Transconductance amplifier linearization techniques Applications in GmC filters. 
-          Very low voltage, low power functional cells

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology (UTCN)