Mobilité EUt+

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 Topic 1: Thermodynamics 1.1 Temperature, heat and energy 1.2 Principles of Thermodynamics 1.3 Heat capacity and specific heat of solids 1.4 Change of phase and latent heat 1.5 Thermal expansion of ideal gases 1.6 Thermodynamic transformations of ideal gases 1.7 Heat and refrigerators engines Topic 2: Heat transmission 2.1 Conduction. Fourier's Law 2.2 Convection. Newton's law 2.3 Radiation. Stefan-Bolzmann's law 2.4 Heat exchange through a wall 2.5 Heat exchange through a pipeline 2.6 Thermal insulation Topic 3: Hygrometry 3.1 Concept of hygrometry. The hygrometer 3.2 Saturation of humid air. Relative humidity concept 3.3 Psychometric diagram 3.4 Dissemination of water vapor in building enclosures Topic 4: Oscillations and waves 4.1 Waves. Types of waves 4.2 Simple wave motion 4.3 Superposition and interference of harmonic waves 4.4 Standing waves Topic 5: Acoustics 5.1. Sound wave 5.2 Acoustic intensity. The decibel 5.3 Acoustic insulation. Simple walls and double walls 
 Topic 6: Electricity and magnetism. DC and AC current 6.1 Coulomb's law. Electric field and potential 6.2 Ohm's law. Theory of direct current circuits 6.3 Magnetic field. Ampère's law 6.4 Electromagnetic induction. Faraday's law. Lenz's law 6.5 Alternating current. Basic concepts. Topic 7: Geometric optics. Physical optics Geometric optics 7.1 Propagation of light, reflection and refraction 7.2 Reflection in a spherical surface. Basic concepts Formation of images. Criterion of signs 7.3 Lenses Physical optics 7.4 Interferences and diffraction of light 7.5 Polarization Topic 8: Photometry and color. Luminotechnique 8.1 The color. The visible spectrum 8.2 Main magnitudes used in luminotechnique 

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)