Mobilité EUt+

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 0. Introduction. Presentation. Concepts and methods in architectural history. Architectural history and professional practice. The term paper. 
1. Architecture in preclassic antiquity. Megalithic architecture. Egyptian architecture. Mesopotamic, minoan and mycenic architecture. 
2. Architecture in `classic¿ antiquity. Early Greek Architecture. `Classic¿ greek architecture Hellenistic architecture. Republican Roman Architecture. Imperial Roman Architecture. Provincial Roman Architecture. 3. Architecture in the Early Middle Ages. Paleochristian architecture. Byzantine architecture. Islamic Architecture. Carolingian and Proto-romanesque Architecture. 
 4. Romanesque Architecture. Romanesque Architecture in the German Empire. Romanesque Architecture in France, Normandy, and England. Romanesque Architecture in Italy. Romanesque Architecture in Iberia and the Way of Saint James. 
5. Gothic Architecture. Early Gothic Architecture. 'High' Gothic. Rayonnant and Late Gothic Architecture in France. Gothic Architecture in England and the German Empire. Gothic Architecture in Italy. Gothic Architecture in Iberia. 
6. Renaissance Architecture. Quattrocento in Tuscany. Quattrocento in Rome, Venice, Lombardy and Naples. `High¿ Renaissance. Mannerism and Pre-Baroque in Central Italy. Cinquecento in Veneto. Renaissance in Spain. Renaissance in France. 
7. Baroque Architecture. Baroque in Rome. Baroque in Veneto and Piedmont. Classicism and Baroque in France. Classicism and Baroque in Spain and Latin America. Palladianism and Baroque in England. Baroque in the German Empire. 

Crédits ECTS

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Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)