Mobilité EUt+

Page du cours ✏️

Visual Computing

Learning objectives:
Students acquire the skills to
  • understand how graphics systems, image processing and image processing systems work internally and can work with them,
  • master the basics of graphic programming in order to be able to model and animate 2D and 3D scenes themselves, e.g. for demonstration and simulation purposes,
  • edit digital image data [e.g. with regard to analyzability], process it in a targeted manner [e.g. for computer vision applications] and save it appropriately for further use,
  •  know current image generation and image output techniques [e.g. also 3D output],
  •  know current rendering and visualization techniques and master the basic algorithms for these,
  •  understand the structure of digital images and color models and be able to assign them to the various application areas and issues,
  •  know the data formats of graphic data processing and understand the underlying compression methods,
  •  master the mathematical fundamentals of graphical data processing.

Course content: 
  •  Introduction and overview of the entire subject area and related areas
  •  Special features of graphical data
  •  Digital images, object and image space
  •  Color models
  •  Elementary image editing and image processing
  •  Image compression and file formats
  •  Graphic objects and their creation, graphic programming
  •  Mathematical basics, geometric transformations
  •  Rendering techniques, visualization
  •  Acquisition and output of digital images, device technology

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)
Computer Science Department (HDA)