Mobilité EUt+

Page du cours ✏️

Scientific work

Learning objectives:
Students acquire the skills to apply various methods to solve typical problems in computer science. They can describe these using correct technical terms and definitions and give examples of their application. In addition, students can explain when and why a method can be applied to an existing problem. In addition, students know and understand the basic rules of scientific ethics and scientific work. They are able to explain and interpret these and apply them to their work.

Students are able to analyze a typical computer science problem and break it down into individual parts in order to understand and abstract the structure of the problem. They will be able to describe the problem precisely in their own words and select suitable solution methods with justification. Students are also able to apply methods of scientific work to various problems in computer science.
Course content:
  • Scientific ethics
  • Methods for dealing with typical computer science problems
    • Literature research and determination of the state of the art
    • Formal, conceptual and argumentative-deductive analysis
    • case studies
    • prototyping
    • Laboratory and field experiments
    • simulations
    • Reference modeling
    • Grounded theory
    • Qualitative or quantitative cross-sectional analysis
  • Formalities of the practical phase and the final thesis
  • Scientific writing
    • Structure of a scient. thesis
    • Working with sources/literature
    • Correct citation

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)
Computer Science Department (HDA)