Mobilité EUt+

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Programming 2

Learning objectives: 
The students acquire the skills to
  • understand typical language tools of a modern programming language in depth and be able to apply them in practice at an advanced level,
  • analyze and create more complex programs with advanced program elements,
  • be able to use important elements of the C++ programming language and the C++ standard library in practice,
  • have acquired basic knowledge and skills for a deeper and broader understanding of the practical programming of information processing systems,
  • be able to make basic use of a modern version management tool.
Course content: 
Consolidation and expansion of selected programming techniques relevant in practice, such as
  • Processing structured text files and binary files
  • Generic programming, templates (parametric polymorphism)
  • Simple graphical user interfaces
  • Unit tests
  • Use of libraries
  • Further language tools from the C++ standard library (e.g. containers, iterators, stream iterators)
  • exemplary, practical implementation of advanced algorithms and data structures, such as search trees, hash tables, index or pointer tables, graphs, path searches
  • Outlook on other programming languages and paradigms, e.g.
    • Event-oriented programming
    • Functional programming
    • Declarative programming
    • Regular expressions
    • Lambda functions

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)
Computer Science Department (HDA)