Mobilité EUt+

Page du cours ✏️

Human Computer Interaction

Learning Objectives: 
Students apply a user-centered development method and go through the associated phases in a small team. They research target group-specific requirements and usage contexts, develop prototypes using suitable frameworks and then evaluate them using heuristic and empirical test methods. After successfully completing the module, they will have acquired the skills to
  • be able to explain the phases, tools and methods of user-centered software development
  • be able to identify target group-specific requirements for software systems using qualitative user research methods (e.g. semi-standardized interviews)
  • be able to describe psychological and social concepts of interaction between people and the computer using appropriate terms and place them in the context of human-technology interaction
  • be able to develop gui-based applications in a user-centered design process in a concrete application context based on MCI standards in a problem-adequate manner and with regard to different user groups and to apply relevant software design patterns (e.g. event handling, MVC).
  • evaluate and assess GUIs and interaction patterns in a concrete application context using MCI standards and, if necessary, develop design recommendations.
Course content:
  • User research
  • User-centered development methods
  • Requirements analysis
  • Creative and perceptual-psychological design principles
  • Gender and diversity aspects
  • HCI standards
  • Prototyping techniques
  • GUI design and interaction patterns
  • Usability evaluation methods
  • Development of a prototype (e.g. app development with Android Studio, AR/VR with Unity or others)

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)
Computer Science Department (HDA)