Mobilité EUt+

Page du cours ✏️

Information Technology and Society

Learning objectives:
Students acquire the skills to analyze, understand and assess the conditions, effects and consequences of information technology activities and design in society.
They will learn the basics for taking responsibility for their own actions towards those affected by the use of information technology and for implementing them in individual and joint, socially effective and responsible actions.
Course content:
The course is not based on fixed teaching content, but takes into account some aspects from the following exemplary catalog of topics, depending on the topicality and interests of the lecturers and students:
  • New perspectives on computer science; social and cultural history of data processing, computer science as a science, scientific theory of computer science
  • Areas of application of ICT technologies: production, healthcare, education, ...
  • Overarching effects and requirements for action, requirements for action, labor market and occupational structure, "women and computer science", thought and communication structures
  • Perspectives for socially oriented computer science: work analysis and software development, software ergonomics, AI and expert systems, computer networks and distributed systems
  • Computer science between theory and practice: technology assessment, ethics and computer science, professional practice, social situation and awareness of computer scientists

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)
Computer Science Department (HDA)