Mobilité EUt+

Page du cours ✏️

Network operation and engineering

Network planning, modeling and design. Deployment and implementation of networks and services. Cost and benefit models. Network management and operation (instrumentation, monitoring, end-to-end measurements, etc.). Reliability and availability in networks. Quality of service.

Theory program:
Network operation
Expository classes updated with the latest advances in network operation and management, classes on
problem solving with student intervention. Techniques and practices are covered
common for network management and operation. Advanced aspects are also described in the
IP network operation, such as configuring OSPF (intradomain) and BGP routing
(interdomain), the configuration of quality of service policies (DiffServ) and SDN/NFV.
1. Network operation. Tasks and good practices.
2 Tools to support network operation. OAM (Operations, Administration and
Management). OSS (Operations Support Systems), BSS (Business Support Systems).
3 Intra-domain and inter-domain IP routing. OSPF and BGP4.
4 Quality of service (QoS). Differentiated services, DiffServ.
Network engineering and design
Expository classes updated with the latest advances in network engineering and design, where
emphasizes content related to network planning, modeling and design, as well
such as the deployment and implementation of networks and services, considering cost models and
benefits. For this, various network technologies used are described, explained in the
context of an IP network case study on WDM that is developed in the practices of the
1. Estimation and prediction of traffic demand in IP networks
2. IP over WDM network technologies.
3. Reliability in networks. Failure recovery systems.
4. CAPEX/OPEX cost analysis.

Lab program:
IP/SNMP/OSPF/BGP network Operation and Engineering.
Network design and engineering and cost model.

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)