Mobilité EUt+

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Terrestrial and space radiocommunications

Satellite communications: orbital mechanics, satellite subsystem and space environment, space shuttles, channel models, radio link calculation, and fixed and mobile applications. Terrestrial radiocommunications: radio links, channel models, planning and applications

Theory program:
Radioelectric Emissions
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Regulations and Safety
1.3. Measurement Procedure
1.4. Measurements and Effects.
1.5. Practical cases.

Study and Planning of the Radioelectric Channel in Terrestrial Radiocommunications
2.1. Propagation Models
2.1.1. Macrocellular Environments Rural Urban
2.2. Planning of Terrestrial Radiocommunication Systems
2.2.1. Power Balance, Individual and System Coverage Calculation, and Best Map Server
2.2.2. Simulation Tools based on Geographic Information Systems

Satellite communications
3.1. Introduction to Space Communications Systems
3.1.1. History and main elements of satellite communications. Responsibilities
ethical and social.
3.1.2. Applications of Space Communications, main companies and institutions.
Social and environmental applications.
3.2. Orbital Mechanics
3.2.1. Kepler's laws and obtaining orbital curves
3.2.2. Perturbations and Classification of orbits. Solar eclipses and transits.
3.2.3. Calculation of azimuth and elevation of antennas. Lagrange points and Doppler effect.
3.3. Satellite subsystems and space environment.
3.3.1. Satellite Bus Subsystems
3.3.2. Payload, reliability and space environment. Space debris and Earth observation.
3.4. space shuttles
3.4.1. Space shuttles and satellite orbit launch mechanisms.
3.5. Radio link in satellite communications.
3.5.1. Evaluation of the radio link in satellite communications
3.6. Applications of Satellite Communications
3.6.1. VSAT Networks, DBS-TV, Mobile Communications

Lab program:
Certification of a Radioelectric Installation of Mobile Communications Systems:
  Session I. Previous theoretical study.
  Session II. Measurements of radioelectric emissions.
  Session III. Interpretation, conclusions and preparation of the report.
Calculation of the Percentage of Power Density in an Urban Environment with the RadioGIS software.
Calculation of the Received Power of an Urban Terrestrial Radiocommunication System from Maps and Specification Sheets
Introduction to Space Radiocommunication Systems.
Orbital Mechanics. Simulation with Matlab and specific software.
Link Design for Satellite Communications.

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)