Mobilité EUt+

Page du cours ✏️

Advanced internet concepts

New Internet network architectures. Standardization and regulations of the Internet. Multicast communications. Generation
and distribution of content. Services over the Internet. Collaborative applications and service composition. Intermediary software. Security and privacy. New generation Internet.

Theory program:
Didactic Unit I. Web Services and Cloud Computing
T1. Web services. Introduction and basic concepts. Types of web services. REST Web services.
T2. Cloud Computing. Introduction. Cloud types and service models. Storage
data in the cloud. Main platforms. Security.

Didactic Unit II. Collaborative Applications and Intelligent Services
T3. Recommendation systems. Recommendation based on content. Collaborative filtering.
Latent factor methods.
T4. Online Algorithms. Algorithms for advertising on the web. Algorithms for web optimization:
Multi Armed Bandits.
T5. Social networks. Analysis of the importance of nodes and links. Propagation models
information. Community detection.

Lab program:
Practice 1. Introduction to Web Services Various Web Services will be accessed as a client. 
Practice 2. Development of Web Services The programming of Web Services (server) will be addressed. 
Practice 3. Deployment of an application in the cloud An application will be deployed in the cloud of a Cloud Computing provider. 
Practice 4. Recommendation Algorithms. Different recommendation algorithms will be implemented and evaluated. 
Practice 5. Web optimization. Different Multi Armed Bandit algorithms will be implemented and evaluated to maximize web performance. 
Practice 6. Social Networks. Different examples of social networks will be analyzed.

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)