Mobilité EUt+

Page du cours ✏️

Computer networks - UTCN

 | Introduction. Concepts, network types, characteristics, evolution, standards
 | ISO-OSI Reference model and Internet’s TCP/IP protocol stack. OSI abstract model presentation, description of protocol
 functions for every layer. General presentation for TCP/IP protocol stack
 | Data transmission techniques. Data transmission concepts, analog and digital transmission techniques, coding, communication channels
 | Types of computer networks. Architectures, evolution, topologies, physical parameters
 | Physical level. Transmission media, characteristics, performances, connectors, structured cabling system
 | Medium access control. Medium access techniques for local (wired and wireless) and wide area networks
 | Data Link level. Functions, problems, protocols, case study: HDLC
 | Local Area Computer Networks. Fundamentals, architectures, evolution
 | Local Area Computer Networks. Systems, performances
 | Computer Networks Interconnection. Devices for network interconnection; presentation of bridges, switches and routers
 | Internet access. IP (+ ICMP), IPv6 (+IGMP) protocols. Address resolution protocol. Routing protocols
 | Transport level protocols. TCP protocol; congestion control. TCP and UDP sockets
 | General introduction to Internet applications. File transfer. Electronic mail, multimedia transmissions, network management
 | General introduction to Internet applications. Security issues

Crédits ECTS

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Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)
Automation and Computer Science Faculty - UTCN