Mobilité EUt+

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Transmission media

The study course is intended for the study of the basic knowledge (key terms, operating principles, typical applications) related to telecommunications cables systems and their applications. .
The main topics of the study course: communication lines` structures, classification of cables, insulation materials, protective coatings, electromagnetic processes in a waveguide (symmetric and coaxial cable), cable structures optimization, electromagnetic compatibility, mutual interferences (normalization and protection), shielding theory, corrosion, cable line design, construction, and operation. The study course includes both the communication line theory and practical measurements in the student laboratory. International standards related to the applications of communication lines are also addressed. Students are prepared for both practical works on communication lines and further studies in the telecommunications master programme.

Course contents:
  • Introduction. The role of cables lines in communications systems: a short history of the development of communication cables, the content of the study course and programme. 
  • Communication line constructions and their classification, typical characteristic curves of cables parameters, metals and dielectric materials used in the manufacturing of cables. 
  • Quasi-static processes in communication lines, long-line primary and secondary parameters and their characterising equations, electric circuits impedance matching. 
  • The basis of communications lines electrodynamics, electromagnetic field theory in communications cables, solutions of Maxwell's equation in a cylindrical coordinate system. 
  • Theory of mutual interference effects in communications lines, problems of electromagnetic compatibility in communications lines. 
  • Communications cables shielding, shielding principles for a wide frequency range, electrical and magnetic field screening. 
  • Protection of communications lines against external electromagnetic influences, causes of influences and parameters to describe them. 
  • Types and causes of cable line corrosion (soil corrosion, electrical corrosion). 
  • Laboratory works. 
  • Course project.

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)
Faculty of Computer Science, Information Technology and Energy (RTU)