Mobilité EUt+

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Renewable and Low Energy Technologies
ENSY 3200

The aim of this module is to equip learners with the underpinning knowledge necessary for the basic calculations and the systems associated with low energy and renewable technologies for that is used in Buildings. It will also prepare them for further study in these areas.

a) Energy & The Global Environment:
Fossil fuels, world fuel reserves, fossil fuel depletion;  Future energy demands, predictions & observations;  The greenhouse effect and impacts of global warming;  Relevant Global, EU & National legislation.

b) Energy Recovery Devices:
Insulation, recuperative heat exchangers, run around coils, regenerative heat exchangers, heat pumps, heat pipes, selection of energy recovery methods.

c) CHP / Tri-Generation:
Introduction, description of plant, applications & COP;  Compare CO2 emissions of vapour compression and absorption cooling systems;  Calculation of energy outputs from Tri-Gen plant;  Micro CHP in buildings, description use and controls.

e) Low Energy Design:
Calculate impacts of VSD control on building energy consumption;  Passive measures including thermal double skin building facades, technical description, building physics of double skin façade systems, advantages and disadvantages of systems;  Natural ventilation theory, NV in simple building layouts, stack effect and cross ventilation methods;  Calculations of stack effect ventilation of buildings;  The design process used for low energy design, influence on Energy Consumption.

f) Renewable Energy Systems:
Wind energy, introduction, off/on shore projects, turbine technology, impact of wind energy, turbine components, power output, calculation of wind power available;  Solar thermal systems; solar energy available, passive & active systems, solar water/air heating system design & controls, applications, collector technology available, thermal analysis of collector technology and efficiencies;  Geothermal heating and cooling, open & closed type systems, system description, collector technology, typical outputs applicable;  Biomass heating, fuel sources & quality, central plant arrangement, types, sizing, fuel storage requirements;  Building integrated photovoltaic’s, basic PV principles, PV system types & technology available, integration into building fabric; 

Other renewable / low energy technologies applicable to emerging technologies.

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)