Mobilité EUt+

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Fuels, Combustion & Gas Services
BDSV 3202

This module introduces the student to commercial fuels, combustion of commercial fuels, industrial gasses and their applications.

Fuels and Draught
1.            Generic Formulae
2.            Natural Draught
3.            Draught Stabilisers and Diverters
4.            Forced draught, induced draught, diluted draught and balanced draught.
5.            Determination of fan duty

Combustion of fossil fuels
1.            Chemical equations & the chemical reference point
2.            Approximate analysis of air
3.            Development of some combustion equations
4.            Constituents of a fossil fuel by mass and by volume
5.            Complete combustion of a fossil fuel
6.            Carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels.
7.            Annual carbon dioxide emissions from heating plant
8.            Development of combustion equation for hydrocarbons.

Piped Fuel Systems
1.            Natural gas, LPG and fuel oil systems; Design, design requirements, gas pipe sizing, pipework materials and fittings.

Industrial Gases
1.            Gas standards and codes of practice (BCGA code of practice, HTM &  NFPA)
2.            Introduction to medical, industrial and laboratory gases.

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)