This module includes basic computing principles, engineering application of software commonly used for presentations and reports. Manual draughting principles and skills are included as preparation for two-dimensional (2D) computer aided drawing and three-dimensional (3D) building information modelling (BIM).
Computing Element:
- Introduction to cloud-based and general methods of working with files, saving files and working with folders.
- Drafting and sending emails using TU Dublin platforms.
- Creating and editing engineering documents and reports.
- Analyse and manipulate engineering data using spreadsheets.
Drawing Element:
- Manual drawing equipment and standard metric sheet sizes.
- Margins, lettering, figures, title blocks and standard BS 308 abbreviations.
- Building engineering schematics, scale layouts and isometric drawings
- Basic CAD/BIM drawing commands
- Layers, line types and dimensioning
- Instance and type parameters
- Levels, views, reference planes and model elements
- Annotate and detail drawing sheets