The aim of this module is to prepare students for the application of programming technology in relevant industries. The structure and use of programming languages and applications is discussed. User input data capture, calculation and manipulation, and output through various means is explained. Using a modern programming language & development environment, students will be introduced to programming techniques such as mathematical operations, conditional operation, iterative statement (loops), arrays, with additional emphasis on error-trapping and debugging applications. Students will also develop their ability to identify the core elements in problem-solving and also rationalise those, and any, problems with respect to flowchart and pseudo-code development. Students will work individually and engage through practical exercises, addressing scenarios applicable to general programming techniques and also the automation industry.
- Review of programming languages and related Integrated Development Environments
- Flowchart / Pseudo-code use for Algorithm generation
- Best practice for project definitions & file management
- Variable datatypes, storage requirements and declaration methods
- Assignment statements
- Conditional IF..ENDIF and switch/case structures
- Comparison (AND OR) operators
- Validating & filtering user input
- Error-trapping techniques
- Iterative techniques (‘While’, ‘DoWhile’, ‘For’ loops)
- Using & manipulating strings and characters for data input & output
- Array structures
- Function development