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Mechatronics II
MECT 3103

The fundamental principles (from electrical, electronic and mechanical systems) involved in the integration of Electrical/Electronic Engineering with Mechanical/Manufacturing Engineering are developed upon to provide the basis for basic engineering system modelling and control. This module allows the learner to integrate their mathematical, electrical, electronic, and mechanical skills in the design and analysis of integrated engineering systems which generally consist of Mechanical/Electrical/Electronic/Hydraulic/Thermal elements. The importance of ensuring that engineering systems are adequately and efficiently controlled from the context of both performance and environmental impact is outlined. The mathematical and simulation tools implemented in the development stages of control solutions highlight the critical importance of analytical design methods (classical control theory).

Classical Mechanics: Mechanics of Materials. Free vibration and free damped vibration analysis.

Material Science: Microstructures of Carbon Steels. 

System Models: Review of mechanical, electrical, hydraulic and thermal principles and development of the idea of mathematical modelling of a physical system. Using differential equations to model and predict the performance of simple systems.

Basic System Models: Mathematical models – Mechanical, Electrical, Fluid, Thermal building blocks. System models – Rotational & translational, Electromechanical and hydraulic-mechanical systems.

Dynamic Responses of Systems: Modelling, first and second order systems.

System Transfer Functions: First and second order, systems in series and systems with feedback loops.

Closed-Loop Controllers: One, two & three-step control, digital controllers, controller tuning.

Control Strategies: Evaluation and application of appropriate control strategies for open or closed loop of electro-mechanical systems.

Laboratory Experiments (chosen from the following list): 
Material Testing
Vibrational Analysis/ System modelling
Finite Element Analysis (Introduction and Analysis)
Introduction to Open and Closed-loop Control
First and Second Order Systems
Control System Design
System Response to various Inputs
Control System Simulation using Software Packages
DC Servo-system analysis

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)