Mobilité EUt+

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Manufacturing Systems 2
MSYS 2103

This module develops the learners understanding of manufacturing systems gained in the pre-requisite module by concentrating on three specialist areas of manufacturing. These are contained in three discrete components:
1. Manufacturing Processes – the learner develops their knowledge and understanding of manufacturing processes through a series of lectures on the components, equipment, methods, materials, environment, and operation within the electronics industry and the plastics moulding industry; as well as the processes used to join a range of materials and components.
2. Materials Science and Property Testing – within the materials laboratory the learner is introduced to the basic fundaments of materials science, mechanical properties and testing of metals and their alloys.
3. Programmable Logic Controllers – The learner designs, implements and tests programmable systems.

Manufacture in the Electronics Industry:
Marking of equipment, parts and assembly marking, marking of assemblies and subassemblies, electronic components and materials, electronic packaging materials and surface mount technology (SMT), inspection and quality control, health, safety and risk analysis of hazards in a manufacturing environment, and lead free solder.

Plastic Moulding Processes: Types of polymers, plastic moulding and forming processes, injection moulding.

Joining Materials: Welding processes, adhesive bonding, mechanical fastening,

Tolerancing: Types of drawing, Dimensional tolerancing and geometric tolerancing

Engineering Materials: Engineering materials and application, mechanical properties and their importance, microstructural properties of engineering materials, and non-destructive testing of engineering components

Programmable Logic Control Systems: Safety. Programming to IEC1131 using standard PLC logic functions. Practical steps and documentation for the design, build and commissioning of PLC systems. Diagnostic methods.

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)