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Mechatronics I
MECT 2103

This module employs fundamental Electronic, Electrical and Mechanical Systems theory and principles in the development of tools for the design and assessment of basic measurement systems. Bringing these subject areas together towards the integration of Mechanical/Manufacturing and Electrical/Electronic Engineering in an application-driven manner is the major focus of this module. The module provides the learner with the background theory and application of sensing and signal conditioning techniques. The application of sensors and instrumentation systems in providing for the effective and efficient use of resources for sustainability of supply is considered.

Review of relevant electrical and electronic principles.

Sensors & Transducers:
Performance terminology and characteristics. Sensors for the measurement of displacement and proximity, velocity, force, pressure, liquid flow and level, temperature, and light. Sensors as applied in Energy and Resource-Management applications. Criteria for sensor selection. Selecting components from catalogues.

Operational Amplifiers: Ideal characteristics and parameters. Negative feedback. Inverting amplifier. Non-inverting amplifier. Differential amplifier. Integrating amplifier. Differentiating amplifier. Voltage follower. Instrumentation amplifier. Operational amplifier applications and Analysis.

Signal Conditioning: Passive and active signal conditioning methods. Protection & filtering. Analogue-to-Digital (A/D) Conversion, Digital-to-Analogue (D/A) Conversion, Multiplexing, Data Acquisition, Pulse Modulation.

Laboratory Experiments [chosen from the following list]:
Strain Gauge connection and analysis                                                           
The Linear and Rotary Potentiometer
The Linear Variable Differential Transformer [LVDT]                                  
Variable Area Capacitor
The Reed Switch                                                                                                
The Reflective Optical Beam sensor
The Optical Tachometer                                                                                   
The DC Tachometric Generator
Variable Reluctance Probe
The 4-Bit Optical Encoder
Operational Amplifier circuits

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)