Mobilité EUt+

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Mathematics III
MATH 2103

The student will cover a range of topics basic to an engineering degree programme, including linear algebra, statistics, differential and integral calculus. The learner will consolidate and develop what was covered in Mathematics to I & II to a more in-depth understanding of mathematical concepts and methods underlying engineering problems.

Matrix algebra. Determinants, Transpose and Inverse of a square matrix. Solution of systems of linear equations using the Inverse method (Cofactor method) and Cramer’s Rule.

Review of differential calculus. Maclaurin’s series, Approximation of functions. Partial differentiation, Rates of change, Small increments.

Integral calculus. Standard integrals. Substitution techniques, Integration by Parts, Partial fractions. Volume of solids of revolution. Centroids.

Differential Equations. First order differential equations. Solution by separation of variable. Homogeneous Second order linear differential equations with constant coefficients.

Probability and Statistics. Review of probability theory. Discrete and continuous probability distributions (Binomial, Poisson and Normal)

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)