Mobilité EUt+

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Communications II (Business Communications and the Business Environment)
COMM 2103

Two key elements to the module (1) The practical aspects of the module enables the students to further develop and apply research, numerate analysis and written/oral communications skills in the context of a contemporary business environment. (approx. 50%) (2) It introduces students to the business environment and explores elements of the business environment likely to influence a Technicians/Technologists career. This enables the development of an awareness and critical understanding of key elements and important dynamics operating within the contemporary business environment which are likely to be relevant to their professional lives. (Approx. 50%)

The Business Environment  The macro-environment and its impact on Irish business (International developments,  Political/Legal, Technological Change, Economic Policies, Socio-cultural developments)  Effects of task environment on business (Competitors, Suppliers, Customers, Regulators,  Trade Unions)  The nature of Competitive Advantage  Porter’s model of Competitive Analysis  E-Business

Industrial Placement Preparation:  Developing your professional CV and online profile  Personal branding and self -awareness  Preparing effectively for answering difficult interview questions  Experiencing an interview

Performance Reviews:  Objectives of appraisal, methods used, preparation for an appraisal. 

The basics of Employment Law:  Engineering Ethics – a recap  Contracts for and of Service  Common law duties of Employer and Employee  Health & Safety Act 2005  Unfair dismissals Act   Industrial Relations 

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)