Mobilité EUt+

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Manufacturing Systems I
MSYS 1203

This module introduces the learner to manufacturing environment. It includes sections on organisational structures and procedures, common manufacturing processes and systems, along with the engineering materials associated with them. It provides the learner with the opportunity to work as part of a team designing solutions to programming problems for ‘pick n place’ machines. The learner is also introduced to National Instruments LabView software through a series of tutorial exercises.

Manufacturing Organisations: 
Manufacturing systems, types of organisation, manufacture, equipment, and integrating systems.
Manufacturing Materials: Introduction to materials structures, metals, plastics, ceramics, composites and alloys, properties and testing of materials.
Manufacturing Design: The product lifecycle, the design process, design specifications, concept design, detail design, production standardisation and modularization.
Manufacturing Processes: Casting, cutting, joining, deformation processes, high energy rate forming, powdered metal processes, metal finishing processes, non-traditional machining processes, manufacturing plastics, and manufacture in the electronics industry. Surface Mount Technology.
Manufacturing automation: Elements of automation, computer aided engineering, PLC programming – ladder logic and SFC.
Human Factors in Manufacture: Ergonomics, Safety working practice, Health, Safety and Welfare at Work Act (1989), Risk assessment.
LabView: Digital Inputs, switches and light gates, and digital outputs, LED’s. Analogue inputs from sensors including the LDR, thermistors, ultrasonic distance sensors, and accelerometers. Temperature and colour sensors and LCD’s based on the I2C interface.

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)