This module introduces the learner to the fundamental mathematical concepts and methods that they will encounter in engineering. This module revises and builds upon the knowledge gained from previous study of mathematics. It is mainly concerned with graphical methods, algebra, trigonometry, vectors and complex numbers. The aim of this module is to give learners a good background knowledge and awareness of the mathematical concepts and techniques that they may require or encounter in other areas of the programme and to develop in the learner a methodical analytical approach to problem solving.
MC1 Introduction: Transposition and substitution of formulae. Laws of Indices, scientific notation, roots and logarithms, use of calculator. Volumes and surface areas of solids, density, rate of flow.
MC2 Number systems: Binary, hexadecimal. Converting between different number system
MC3 Binomial Theorem: Pascal's Triangle, the Binomial Theorem.
MC4 Trigonometry: Properties of triangles, trigonometric ratios, sine and cosine rules. Degree and radian measure, sectors and segments. Use of compound angle formulae. Three dimensional triangulation problems.
MC5 Vectors: Unit vectors, vectors in component form. Vector addition, resultant of a vector. Dot product, vector product and scalar triple product.
MC6 Complex Numbers: Cartesian and polar form. Sums, products and quotients. Solution of quadratic and cubic equations with complex roots.
MC7 Graphical methods: Linear equations, experimental data plotting, best fit, intercept. Logarithmic and exponential curves. Determination of laws by reducing to linear form Sine and cosine graphs, periodic properties.