Mobilité EUt+

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Applied Engineering Science 1
MECH 1103

The aim of this module is to introduce the learner to the fundamentals of physical and measurement  science.  A range of module elements including both theory and practical content will provide a foundation in fundamental engineering science knowledge. An emphasis on applied practical problems in the lecture programme and laboratory work will give the learner a practical knowledge of the application of both theory and experimental methods. The learner will acquire an understanding of measurable physical quantities in the areas covered in the syllabus and an appreciation of the limitations of measuring instruments and the sources of errors in measurement.

Science Fundamentals:  SI units, derived and compound units, metric system, instrumentation terminology, error sources in measurement, methods of error reduction

Precision Measurement:  Vernier scales, Callipers, Micrometers, Optical Comparators, Travelling Microscopes, British Standards.

Linear Mechanics: Newton’s laws, gravity, force, Hooke’s law, spring balances, speed, velocity, acceleration, equations of motion, kinetic energy, potential energy, work, power, applied problems.   Static and dynamic friction, coefficient of friction, horizontal sliding, point of sliding on slope, applied problems,  Basic machines, levers, pulleys, mechanical advantage, velocity ratio and efficiency.

Forces and Statics: Scalar and vector quantities, rectangular components of a force, triangle of forces theorem, parallelogram of forces theorem, moments and torque, principle of moments, equilibrium and balance, simply supported beams, applied problems

Gases + Fluids: Pressure, units of pressure, atmospheric pressure, gauge and absolute pressure scales, pressure at a depth in fluid, absolute temperature scale, Boyle’s law, Charles’ law, combined gas law, characteristic gas equation, applied problems and calculations

Heat and temperature: Heat and temperature definitions, temperature measurements, temperature scale conversions, conduction, convection, radiation, specific heat capacity of materials, latent heat of materials, coefficients of linear, superficial and volumetric expansion of materials, applied problems.

Laboratory Programme

1                      Precision Measurement with the External Comparator     
2                      Thermal Expansion                  
3                      Precision Dimensional Measurements    
4                      Static effects of forces              
5                      Calibration of a Micrometer                   
6                      The Force Table
7                      Boyle’s Law and Charles’ Law for Gases
8                      Determining Gravitational Acceleration
9                      Sliding Friction
10                    Simple Machine Efficiency

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)