This subject builds on the existing knowledge of the student in the realm of virtual models with the emphasis on parts, assemblies, drawings/documentation and freeform modelling. This module is to enhance the student skillset and understanding of the role of solid and freeform modelling in the design process.
Parametric Solid Modelling
- Sweep & Helix Features
- Loft Features
- Draft
- Split lines
- Multi-body parts
- Part Configurations
- File Properties for BOMs
Assembly Creation
- Advanced & Mechanical Mates
- Component patterning
- Sub-Assemblies
- “Bottom up” & “Top down” approaches
- Interference & Interference checking
- Automated Component Creation
Graphical Display of Components
- Exploded Views
- Cutaway Views
- Configurations & Display States
Working drawings and documentation
- BOMs, Part Lists, Balloons & Linked Annotation
- Exploded & Cutaway Views
- Assembly Configurations & Display States
- Tolerancing & Surface Finish Annotation
Surface Modelling Techniques
- Surface creation using 2D elements
- Modifying curves and surfaces using control points
- Developing bodies from surfaces
Developing solids from closed surface bodies