Mobilité EUt+

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Studio 201 Design Process
ACID 2411

This module introduces the student to aspects of product design that enable them to understand design in the context of creativity and problem solving in support of the design process. The module also develops the area of design research as a critical tool for enabling creative product development. The aim of this module is to provide the student with the tools and knowledge to apply creative thinking to solving human centred 3-dimensional design problems. It also aims to introduce the student to creative thinking techniques appropriate to 3-dimensional problem solving and an appreciation of the role of research in enabling comprehensive design solutions.

The Product Design Process: Learners will implement the design process, from ideation to prototyping, with an emphasis on creativity as a critical enabler of innovation. They will develop creative product design solutions that address user needs and market gaps and critically evaluate these designs for creativity, functionality, and impact.

Introduction to Creativity and 3D Concept Development: Explore the significance of creativity in developing three-dimensional concepts. Students will apply basic creative thinking techniques in the ideation process for 3D design concepts, while also examining various 3D design projects to identify creative approaches in concept development.

Concept Generation and Creative Problem Solving: Learners will apply various creative techniques (e.g. brainstorming, mind mapping, lateral thinking exercises) to generate innovative 3D concepts. Through the development of original design concepts using divergent thinking approaches, students will also critique the effectiveness of different creative methods in solving design challenges.

Design Research Introduction: Students will conduct research on existing designs, technologies, and user needs to inform creative design solutions. Design research will be evaluated as a driver of innovation and creativity in three-dimensional design projects. Practical project-based activities will incorporate design research methodologies (e.g., user interviews, observational studies) to generate creative insights.

Materials and Manufacturing: Basic knowledge of materials and manufacturing processes crucial for realising designs. Students will apply material properties to concept designs while analysing how material choices and manufacturing processes influence creativity and feasibility in design outcomes.

Visual Communication and Portfolio Development: A focus on applying visual communication principles to create compelling 2D presentations for portfolios, including layout, typography, and hierarchy. Students will develop a professional portfolio showcasing their creative 3D design work and review and refine their portfolio designs to effectively communicate their creativity and technical abilities.

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)