This module is an introduction to the history and theory of design which provides a context for contemporary practice.
The module aims to facilitate the development of a vocabulary for informed discussion of product design practice. It encourages students to understand their own work and that of key practitioners in an historical, theoretical, social and ethical framework. It aims to enable the first year student to create richer, more informed and more meaningful designs in their studio sessions.
1 Definitions – From Craft Production to Mass Production
An examination of the development of the mass production and the industrial designer.
2 Design Reform – Mechanisation and its Malcontents
An overview of the responses of designers to the impact of technology on designed goods from the late 18th to the early 20th centuries.
3 Style and Function: The Birth of the Consumer
An introduction to the idea of consumer culture and its impact on design. The advent of the American industrial design profession, streamline, art deco and the Moderne.
4 Modernism: Form Follows Function?
An examination of the Modern movement in design and architecture, its principles, critics and legacy.
5 Politics, Society and Design
The role of design in post-war reconstruction and nation building; design and propaganda; design and protest; subcultural style.
6 Postmodernism
An introduction to postmodern design and the role of theory in design practice; design and branding; ‘designer’ goods.
7 Design and Social Responsibility
An introduction to debates around the ethics of contemporary design practice, including sustainability and accessibility.