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Applied Physics for Design 1
SCNC 1411

The aim of this module is to introduce the student to design engineering physics; to give the student an understanding of measureable physical quantities; to give the student an appreciation of the applications and limitations of measuring instruments and the sources of errors in physical measurement.

MC1  Fundamentals. 
SI units, derived and compound units, metric system, instrumentation terminology, error sources in measurement, interference, environmental, and random errors, methods of error reduction, tolerances

MC2 Precision Measurement.
Vernier scales, Callipers, Micrometers, Comparators, Height gauges, Plunger and lever dial gauges. Comparators, Optical projectors, Travelling Microscopes, Co-ordinate measurement machines, Surface Texture Analysis, Roughness average.

MC3 Mechanics. 
Newton’s laws, gravity, force, Hooke’s law, spring balances, speed, velocity, acceleration, equations of motion, kinetic energy, potential energy, work, power, velocity-time graphs, distance-time graphs, applied problems. Static and dynamic friction, normal force, coefficient of friction, horizontal sliding, clamping and sliding, applied problems, point of sliding on a slope.

MC4 Forces+Materials. 
Scalar and vector quantities, rectangular components of a force, triangle of forces theorem, parallelogram of forces theorem, moments and torque, levers, principle of moments, equilibrium and balance, simply supported beams, reactions.

MC5 Thermal physics. 
Heat and temperature, temperature measurements, Celcius, Kelvin and Fahrenheit scale conversions,  bi-metallic thermometers and thermostats, liquid in glass thermometers, thermocouples, thermistors, conduction, convection, radiation, heat capacity, specific heat capacity of materials, sensible and latent heat of materials, furnace power and efficiency, coefficients of linear, superficial and volumetric expansion of materials.

MC 6 Gases+Fluids   
Pressure, units of pressure, atmospheric pressure, gauge and absolute pressure scales, pressure at a depth in fluid, absolute temperature scale, Boyle’s law, Charles’ law, combined gas law, characteristic gas constant, characteristic gas equation, applied problems and calculations

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)