This module begins by explaining the term Vernacular Architecture and gives many examples where cultural, environmental and resources management are all employed in the design of a building. As a result nature is nudged to aid in the control of the building, rather than adding in sensors, actuators, cables and controllers to try forcing the desired control. An emphasis is also made on identifying why precisely control is needed (i.e. human comfort, or service operation) so it is the main focus, rather than simply think it has always been done that way, so I must do it that way. The IES software taught on a separate module permits the student to model a building, change parameters, such as shape, windows, building fabric etc. to reduce the control requirements. So this element builds on this activity.
The core documents used in buildings and their explicit purpose is explained (e.g. P&ID drawings, I/O lists, Control Strategy, Gantt charts, Cable Schedules and BIM information). From these documents the students must extract (and provide) enough information to effectively design a controlling strategy. These documents are the main conduit where information is passed/shared between stakeholders in the system, and form a important part of final hand over information to the client, and must be carefully managed to maximise transfer of useful information, minimise duplication and be multidisciplinary.
The student will have covered Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) as part of the common second year module. However, that module is based on automation rather than process control. So, the classic control theory, which includes process control, is introduced, building on the automation previously examined, highlighting that many disciplines use and reuse classic control theory elements. Also included here are modern network topologies, such as Ethernet and Fieldbus. By covering the generic process control philosophy first, the students will be shown the use and reuse within building services equipment and processes. The open and closed loop, disturbance and block diagrams of a control system are explained. Then the use of the frequency domain verses the time domain is used to identify weakness in the control system and analyse the stability of the system using tools, such as Bode and Nyquist Plots. Proportional, Integral and Derivative (PID) control is also examined.
A focus in this module is to reapply the classic control model to many building services systems such as chillers, energy management systems, boilers, an assortment of Air Handling Unit systems and designs, room control system, ventilation etc.
The module also includes Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) which is used to give the operator a holistic view of the separate sub systems. SCADA is very common in modern buildings as it permits the operators of the building to view the status of many systems and variables at the same time, offering a great resource of decision making potential to aid in the efficient operation of the building space. Although this element is taught in is simplest form, the elements of good working practice will be covered.
Classic control theory - using real-world sensors, controllers and actuators:
- Introduction to Vernacular Architecture
- Explanation of core documents used in building design.
- Introduction to classic control theory
- Static and dynamic characteristics of control systems
- Frequency response analysis and design.
- Industrial Computer (PLC) Inputs and outputs
- Controller function logic and PID
- Control equipment a real world view.
- Modern network topologies
- Communication systems
- Overall system architecture
- Intelligent control systems
- User interfaces
- Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition.