Mobilité EUt+

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Air Conditioning Engineering
ACON 4111

The module covers the fundamental principles and detailed calculations involved in the design of the following air conditioning and ventilation systems– Variable Air Volume (VAV) systems, Displacement ventilation, Multiple Zone Constant Air Volume (CAV) terminal reheat systems, Fan Coil Unit (FCU) systems, Specific ventilation applications are dealt with in detail (i) swimming pools, (ii) commercial scale kitchens are also included.

Air conditioning systems
: the purpose, function and application of air conditioning systems; determining the extent of the air conditioning plant and systems required, selection criteria for systems, zoning principles in buildings, characteristics of central and local systems, partial systems

Single & multiple zone constant air volume (CAV) terminal reheat systems: Review of winter & summer psychrometric cycles and calculations for single & multiple zone constant volume terminal reheat systems covered in the first and second year of the programme. Application of single & multiple zone constant volume terminal reheat systems i.e. laboratory, cleanroom, industrial and hospital systems design including analysis of winter & summer psychrometric cycles  for these applications including practical worked examples using the psychrometric chart to calculate plant heating, humidification & cooling loads. Typical CAV control strategies.

Fan Coil Unit (FCU) systems: Air side and water control fan coil units configuration including advantages/disadvantages, typical applications, installation options. Sizing and selection of fan coil units using vendor information. Humidity control options, low or elevated chilled water temperature supply to fan coil units and analysis of winter & summer psychrometric cycles. Calculations for fan coil unit air conditioning systems including practical worked examples using the psychrometric chart to calculate plant heating, humidification & cooling loads. Typical fan coil unit control strategies.

Variable Air Volume (VAV) systems. Application case constant and variable supply air systems, modern configurations of VAV systems including advantages/disadvantages, typical applications, installation options. Sizing and selection of VAV units using vendor information. Analysis of winter & summer psychrometric cycles. Calculations for VAV air conditioning systems including practical worked examples using the psychrometric chart to calculate plant heating, humidification & cooling loads. Selection of VAV air supply temperatures in summer. Fresh air, room air movement and humidity control checks at part load operation.  Typical VAV control strategies.

Displacement ventilation systems, underlying principles, applications, comparison with conventional systems. Dealing with sensible loads, behavior of convection currents and plumes for different heat and contaminant sources. Calculation of plume volume, temperature gradients and contaminants. Design principles and detailed design calculations based upon BSRIA, ASHRAE and REHVA guidelines. Comfort and thermal based design methods.

Swimming pool ventilation and conditioning systems. Contaminants within the pool hall, the pool hall environment, Chloramines and corrosion. Risks associated with incorrectly designed and operated PHVS, including corrosion, condensation, health and energy penalties. Performance requirements and preliminary design considerations, space planning. Design criteria, calculation of ventilation rates based upon wetted area, evaporation rates and maximum pool hall RH levels. Plant configuration and heat recovery options. Maximizing energy efficiency.

Kitchen ventilation supply and exhaust systems. The kitchen environment and the risks/challenges it presents. Risk presented by poorly design and operated KVS. Performance requirements of KVS. Design guides and system design considerations. Design criteria and preliminary design calculations, space planning. Relative pressure control, conventional and ventilated ceiling systems. CKVS systems components and configurations.

Detailed design calculations using thermal convection calculation method. Treatment of exhaust air, heat recovery, maximizing energy efficiency.

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

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Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)