The duration of the project is approximately 24 weeks (not including the break between the first and second semesters, due to revision and examinations). Project proposal and approval, building investigation, building analysis, choice of solution and detailed design form the main elements of the design project. At the end of the academic year, 3rd year students are provided with written project proposal guidelines and asked to source, during the summer recess, a suitable building for the design project. They must submit a written proposal for approval on returning to the College in September, describing the building in detail. Each student is provided with a detailed project design brief that clearly identifies the requirements of the project, critical submission dates, critique dates, project assessment marks/procedures and repeat project requirements etc. Depending on the type of building each student is allotted a suitable project tutor to provide guidance throughout the duration of the project. Students are also encouraged to seek guidance from any other engineering lecturer for expert advice on a particular aspect of the project work. Guidance is given regarding the time management of the project by providing a schedule specifying when elements of the project should be completed and submitted. To form a consensus of opinion, regarding the performance of each student, a number of critiques arranged throughout the two semesters. A further opinion is obtained from an Internal & external examiner interview process. The student’s tutor performs the detailed marking of the project with the marks ratified following meetings/discussions following both the internal & external project interviews held in June. An overall project co-ordinator(s) is assigned to issue the necessary third year project proposal, project supervisor listing, design brief, critique/internal/external project interview schedules documentation and monitor the students’ progress.
The preliminary stage of the project involves the student finding a suitable building; a floor area of about 2000 m2 is recommended. The building application should allow the student to demonstrate their ability in designing a number of major engineering mechanical and electrical systems, as well as addressing the building design. The student does this preliminary work at the end of the third year, during the summer recess and submits a written proposal for approval, on returning to the college in September.
Outline of Requirements
1. Design investigation & analysis work:
- Building investigation – including application, façade details, design challenges and design objectives.
- Building analysis – mainly thermal but a good analysis will may also address the acoustic and daylighting aspects etc. depending on the type of project.
- Recommendations to the architect concerning:
- Thermal design of the building envelope
- Daylighting and acoustics
- The inside environment
- Choice of solution/Systems selection – based on the building load analysis, appropriate building engineering systems are evaluated and suitable ones selected. A psychometric analysis and a preliminary schematic showing main plant items and process controls is also required at this stage.
- Plant and associated equipment sizing.
- Designing and sizing of fluid distribution systems.
- Designing and sizing the electrical distribution system.
- Designing the control systems. This should include thermal control of the indoor environment, system process controls, safety controls, balancing and commissioning controls, and all the associated instrumentation.
- Detailed Design stage Documentation for submission
- Design report – introduces the project – includes in detail the investigations, analysis work, recommendations to the architect, design criteria and conditions, design decisions, calculation methodologies, summary of heating and cooling load calculations, description of systems and their controls, summary of equipment sizes and plant duties, references to guides, regulations, codes of practice, engineering standards etc.
- Design calculation file – includes: all the detailed manual calculations and computer generated result sheets, design sketches, photocopies of referenced information, equipment vendor data, etc.
- Engineering design drawings
- Schematics of all mechanical and electrical systems designed
- Plant room plans and sections
- Ductwork and pipework distribution drawings