Initially some fundamental aspects of fluids are dealt with which forms a basis for an analysis of turbulent flow in closed conduits which in turn forms the basis of an analysis of fluid flow networks. Subsequently the material is consolidated in two case studies considered - fluid flow in porous media and centrifugal fan design.
Fundamental Aspects: Viscosity: Laminar and Turbulent Flow- Derivation of basic equations. Variation in viscosity with fluid temperature. Euler's and Bernoulli's equations. Pressure changes in pipe flow. Venturi, Pitot and orifice measurements.
Turbulent flow in conduits: Turbulent flow of air in ducts. Theoretical treatment and analysis of pressure drop coefficients in duct and pipe fittings. Implications for duct system design. Examination of the relative impact of surface roughness, velocity, dimensional changes. Theory of static pressure regain. Sizing distribution systems by static pressure regain methods.
Flow in non-circular ducts: Hydraulic diameter, equivalent diameter for equal volume flow
Fluid flow networks: Fluid flow networks. Pressure head at junctions and determination of fluid flow rate. Derivation of equations for more rapid solution techniques. Hardy-Cross method. Derivation of equations. Ring main sizing with and without variation in friction factor. Applications.
Case Studies
Particle mechanics and filters. Kozeny-Carman equation. Drag forces, terminal velocity. Flow through porous media and fluidised beds. Fan design theory. Theoretical pressure and volume developed in centrifugal fans.
Vector diagrams. Theoretical power characteristics. Vortex casing equation.