This module is for the learner to achieve an appropriate knowledge and understanding of the core principles of heating systems design so as to allow the learner to reach a level of academic competence in heating system design for buildings.
1. Pump and System: Closed and open systems, pump consideration, pumps on closed systems, centrifugal pump laws, pumps having invertor speed control
2. High Temperature hot water systems: Pressurization methods, pressurization of large systems, roof-top plantrooms.
3. Steam Systems: n/a
4. Plant connections and controls: Identifying services and plant, building energy management systems, control strategies for heating systems.
5. Flues and draught: Generic formulae, natural draught, draught stabilisers, draught diverters, forced draught, induced draught, determination of fan duty, diluted draught, balanced draught.
6. Boiler house design: Primary header and secondary circuit design, constant Vs Variable temperature circuits. Location of valves, connection of pressurisation unit and fill tank etc.
7. System Schematics: Draw for a concept design, troubleshoot incorrect schematics, identification of valves, different methods of boiler connection to primary mixing header.
8. Electric Heating: Static storage heaters, fan assisted storage heaters, electro thermal storage.