Contains an intermediate course in fundamental and applied heat transfer as it pertains to buildings. It is aimed at learners who need to be able to understand heat losses and gains in buildings using the fundamental laws of heat transfer and the methods used in industry by the Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineering (CIBSE). The knowledge gained above is applied to the use of industry standard software in the design of engineering services in buildings. The module offers learners the opportunity to scope the design requirements of a building, to carry out the heat loss and heat gain calculations and to analyse the heat loss and heat gain calculations. The module also offers learners the opportunity to carry out building energy simulation and determine the energy rating of buildings. This module enables learners to design, develop and implement, building services design using computer based heat loss and heat gain load calculations and to assess the efficacy of system selections. Additionally learners will be able to carry out software based energy simulation and determine the energy rating of buildings. This module is also designed to teach the concepts of Building Information Modelling and bring the learner to a level where they are proficient in the use of BIM software and can carry out tasks within the graphical user interface
Fundamentals of Conduction: Fourier rate equation, Thermal resistance, U values, heat transfer in series and parallel, Fabric losses. Convection: Newton’s law of cooling, the convection coefficient, natural and forced convection, convection coefficients for internal and external walls, roofs, windows, pipes, surface resistances, infiltration losses. Radiation: Emissivity, absorptivity, reflectivity, transmissivity, Stefan-Boltzmann equation, radiant exchange between surfaces and their surroundings. Energy balance between various modes of heat transfer in a building Applications: Multimode Heat Transfer: Case studies looking at heat transfer in solar panels and heat exchangers. Ventilation losses: Infiltration losses through external building surfaces due to wind and stack effect. Solar radiation: atmospheric processes; geometry of solar radiation; direct and diffuse irradiation of exposed surfaces; comparison of solar models of direct and diffuse radiation; absorbed and transmitted solar radiation viafenestration and glazing optical properties; the concept of sol-air temperature and its derivation. Internal and External long wave radiant exchange: The radiant exchange equation for major room surfaces, view factor algebra, radiant exchange due to radiators, chilled ceilings and windows. Sky radiation models; estimating external building façade and ground surface temperatures; determining surface and sky view factors. Internal heat gains: Establishing occupancy, lighting and equipment operating profiles; methods of predicting the heat gains due to people, electric lighting and office equipment, estimating the convective and radiant fractions of the heat gains; contribution to building cooling loads. Unsteady heat transfer modelling: Variation in loads due to the diurnal and annual cycles; periodic heat transfer; use of weather data. Application of finite difference models for unsteady heat transfer in building elements. The calculation of decrement factor, time lag and thermal admittance; the matrix method of combining multi-layered constructions; the CIBSE admittance method and its application to estimating mean and peak cooling loads. CIBSE heat loss calculation validation. CIBSE heat gain calculation validation. Peak summer time calculation validation Using applications within IES –ModeIT, Components, SunCast, Apache, MacroFlo, VistaPro, VE Compliance (UK 7 Ireland), FlucsDL, FlucsPro, LightPro, RadianceIES. Using Autodesk Revit MEP.