Mobilité EUt+

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Industrial Networks & Integrated Automation Systems
AUTO 4111

The module offers learners the opportunity, to design and implement industrial networks and integrated automation systems at the device, control and management level, to design and construct user interfaces in the form of Human Machine Interfaces and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition platforms, and to program programmable controllers using IEC standards. The aim of this module is to enable learners to design, develop, and implement, networked integrated automation systems, and to assess the efficiency of their solutions.

Programmable automation systems, IEC programming languages, graphical user interface design,  Industrial networks, Industrial automation and control system security, safety, communications protocols and management software applications.

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)