Mobilité EUt+

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Design and Manufacture
DEMF 4111

The module gives the student an applied knowledge of both product and process design, as well as highlighting several important issues in relation to sustainable manufacturing. It describes how a conceptual design is developed to produce an initial physical prototype by a variety of different technologies including SLS and stereolithography. The module gives treatment to the manufacturing stage by a detailed design and performance analyses of automated assembly equipment. The associated laboratory work provides the student with a good understanding of robot cell configuration and programming within the context of industry 4.0. The module also deals with sustainable manufacturing, and how design for disassembly can be incorporated into design solutions. It also deals with ways of reducing, and disposing of manufacturing waste, in compliance with EU directives and legislation.

Product Design for Manufacture and Assembly:
Product design for ease of assembly, design for feeding and orientating, design for injection moulding, design for machining, design for sheetmetal.

Industry 4.0 & Robotics: The role of robotics in Industry 4.0. Robot cell hardware configuration and integration in the context of industry 4.0.

Additive manufacturing technologies: Model preparation for RP processes, post processing software tools. Selective laser sintering, Stereolithography, Laminated object manufacturing, solid ground curing. Direct metal laser sintering (DMLS), Carbon Fibre 3D printing. Additive manufacture for injection mould design. The role of additive manufacturing in Industry 4.0.

Design & Analyses and programming of automated assembly systems:
Transfer systems, parts feeding and orientating devices, continuous, intermittent, and free transfer systems. Product & machine design for ease of assembly Performance and economics of assembly systems.

Sustainable Manufacturing:
Design for disassembly, Reusable packaging, recyclable packaging. Manufacturing waste disposal. European waste directives applied to industry, case studies

Laboratory Activity

Overview of Kuka robot system, Robot coordinate systems, Tool calibration, base calibration, starting up steps, executing robot programmes, motion commands, logic functions, gripper commands, KRL programming, loops, switch statements and wait functions.

Robotic 3d printing cell simulation Generation of Solidworks models and use of 3d slicing software.

Postprocessing for ABB robot 3d printing.

Configuration of input output signals and interface with NI hardware.

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)