Mobilité EUt+

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Control Engineering 2
MECH 4019

The aim of this module is to: 

  • Use computer simulation to aid in stability analysis, time-response and compensator design.
  • Have the skills to design and apply control systems technology in an industrial environment.
  • Design, understand and predict the performance of closed-loop control systems in the Laplace, frequency and z planes.
  • Understand the design and application of analogue and microprocessor based systems in the design of control systems.
  • Be aware that proper control system design leads to systems that are efficiently and adequately controlled, and can have a direct impact on energy consumption, the environment and society.

 The course gives the learner the ability to design and evaluate the performance of closed-loop control systems using classical methods. It includes the analysis and design of continuous and discrete systems. Design procedures and compensation methods include feedback compensation, commonly used control laws, lead and lag compensators and PID controllers. There is emphasis on model development using system identification and the application of control theory to practical systems. Learners will have the ability to design and interface electrical and electronic circuits, microprocessor based systems and PLC's with mechanical systems to realize industrial control systems for the mechanical, manufacturing and process industries. Matlab and Simulink software is used to assist in control system design and simulation.

  • Basic principles of the root locus, properties of the root locus, parameter variation, application to design.
  • Process modelling, representation as distance velocity lag and transfer lags, three term controllers. Tuning of controllers, Identification methods.
  • Sampled data systems, z transform techniques, stability in the z plane, discretisation, zero order hold, Digital control algorithms.
  • Instrumentation amplifiers. Controller and compensator design, power amplifiers and interface circuits.
  • Characteristics and application of amplifiers, measurement devices and electromechanical actuators in open and closed-loop systems.
  • Fuzzy logic control.

Crédits ECTS

Langue d'enseignement

Langue d'examen

Langue des supports pédagogiques

Acquis d'apprentissage fondamentaux

Entité de gestion (faculté)