Computer modelling and simulation methods, including finite element analysis, are now mainstream parts of computer aided engineering. This module provides students with a theoretical overview of the finite element method, and following on from this, an appreciation of the practical uses, capabilities and limitations of the available software packages. Through case studies and practical examples, students will gain an appreciation of the appropriate application of these methods, the problems which can arise from incorrect usage, and the overall role of these tools in the computer aided engineering and design processes. Students will also gain a significant amount of hands-on experience of industry-standard packages.
Introduction to the Finite Element Method
Direct elements including bar and beam elements – boundary conditions, model assembly and solution. Introduction to the finite element formulation and solution methods. Common elements used in structural and thermal problems.
Using Finite Elements
Meshing and Modelling – geometry creation and import. Application of boundary conditions and loads. System idealisation and approximation– simplification and assumptions. Appropriate use of modelling methods. Accuracy and evaluating model quality. Validation. Best Practice and Quality Assurance.
Advanced Topics
Introduction to nonlinearity in structural problems – large displacement, contact, nonlinear materials. Introduction to dynamic analysis – modal analysis, explicit and implicit transient analysis, other methods of dynamic analysis. Introduction to coupled-field and multi-physics analysis
Integration with Computer Aided Engineering tools
Integration with Computer Aided Design and other CAE tools: CAD integration, Data Exchange standards and issues. Complementary modelling and simulation tools. Current trends in the CAD and CAE areas.
Computational Considerations
Hardware and software system considerations related to FEA: system requirements, high performance computing. Trends and developments in the area.
Practical examples will be studied and analysed using the modelling and simulation packages available in the college.